Our Story


The Beginning
Future Brewmaster Dan Del Grande is born in the formative years of a new movement in the San Francisco Bay Area


As the Summer of Love wind down and Bay Area hipsters start experimenting with growing organic food in Berkeley.


Birth of American Craft Beer
Home brewing is legalized. Hobbyists around the country experiment with making their own beers.


Homebrewing Takes It Home
Dan starts homebrewing in first college apartment.


Bison's iconic brewpub opens, amongst the first couple dozen commercially available craft beers in America, a movement that is now almost 5000 breweries nationwide.


Meanwhile, Organic Gains Momentum
Organic isn't just for hippies anymore. Consumers around the country begin to embrace the benefits of organically grown food. Parallel movements like slow food take hold, alongside other wellness trends like yoga and mindfulness.


Brewmaster Dan, with family and friends, buy Bison Brewing's Berkeley brewpub.
Organic Food Sales:
$3.4 Billion Worldwide


Turn of The Century
Bison Beer goes 100% organic as raw beer ingredients finally become available.
In 2004, Bison joins advocacy with GMO Free Sonoma County hosting Canadian canola farmer Percy Schmeiser for his fundraising efforts to defend himself at the Canadian Supreme Court agains Monsanto. A natural fit, as Bison’s refreshing beer is carefully-crafted from minimal ingredients, & 100% non-GMO.


The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan
Michale Pollan’s “Omnivore’s Dillemma” becomes a best-seller, helping define the Movement with its overview of the social, ethical, and environmental impacts of modern food production. Sustainable attitudes scale as conscious consumers look critically at where their grocery and cosmetic items come from.


The Story of Stuff, by Annie Leonard
“The Story of Stuff” by Annie Leonard clearly illustrates the problem of planned obsolescence. Americans begin to see the power of their consumer dollar to buy consciousl. Some corporate cronies call the idea “anti-capitalist”.


Bison Beer Studies Carbon Footprint
Bison conducts its seminal Carbon Footprint Study of its business processes. A six-pack of Bison’s organic beer has 6.2 pounds of carbon, about 25% less than “regular beer” and 100% less than imported brews.
Bison is first brewery to be accepted as a B-Corporation, having demonstrated it serves a purpose for the greater social good.
Organic Dan is named a #Meatless Monday “Inspiring Mover and Shaker” joinging the ranks of Oprah Winfrey, Michael Pollan, & Padma Lakshmi. The global movement educates consumers to reduce their carbon footprint by lowering meat consumption.


Kermit the Hop
Kermit the Hop is launched to a popular reception and awarded 95 points on ratebeer.com proving organic brews can compete with the best. "If you don't like an organic beer, blame the brewmaster, not the ingredients" says Organic Dan.


Honey Basil
Honey Basil launches year round in 4-packs and quickly proves itself to be "pizza's perfect match" by Draft Magazine. In a year when bees across California are dying in their millions, Bison starts a poster campaign to raise awareness to save the bees.


Plastic Free
Organic Dan pledges to live "Plastic Free", inspired by Beth Terry's book. The year-long challenge highlights the difficulty for consumers to avoid plastic.


Organic product sales in the US breaks another record up to $43.3 Billion, up double digits from the previous year and with growth at 3x conventional foods. Organic now makes up 5% of food sales!
Bison is one of 22,000 certified organic operations in the U.S., and only 32,000 worldwide.


On the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love, Bison remains true to its origins. Bison’s organic mission remains counter-cultural, and with a smile, we challenge individual drinkers to join us and live our motto of mindful living. Voting with your time and consumer dollar for truly good products is a humble form of anti-consumerism resistance.